It has been said that an insurance policy is a useless piece of paper until you have a claim. That is when you really learn how good your insurance company is. We pride ourselves on providing excellent claim service and built our reputation over 60 years in the boat insurance business.
If you have an accident and need repairs your insurace company is only one half of the story. We rely on marinas, boat dealers, repair facilities and others in the boating industry to make the claim process work by providing quality work in a timely fashion. It takes the combinded efforts of insurance professionals and boat repair facilities to deliver outstanding claim service.
To recognize outstanding service in the boating community we created an annual award for claim service excellence. We have many excellent partners but only one company receives this award each year during the Toronto International Boat Show. The award is presented based on post claim survey results, customer feedback and input from our claim service magager – Cameron Robertson
The 2014 recipient is Bridge Port Marina of Orillia. Bridge Port is a member of the Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities, which operates several full service marinas in Ontario that cater to a wide variety of vessel types. Congratulations to Bridge Port manager Kyle MacDonald and all the marina staff. Thank you for provding excellent service to our valued Skippers’ Plan clients.
You can read more about the award by following the link to Boating Business Magazine
Read article in Boating Business Magazine