Sailboat Rigging & Maintenance
In 2014 we saw even more dismasting claims due to age and worn out old rigging. This blog entry is copied from my previous blog because the

New to Boating? You need to visit TIBS
Did you know that 25 – 30% of the people attending the Toronto International Boat Show each year are new to boating and/or first time

Have your say about the Trent-Severn and Rideau Waterways
The Trent-Severn Waterway and the Rideau Canal provides boaters with some of the most interesting boating in Ontario. Traversing rivers and lakes, through locks, bridges,

Help Stop the Invasion of Phragmites
On a trip home to Toronto this summer I noticed a number of signs on Hwy 400 warning of the Phragmites Invasion. I try to