Legal Expense Insurance

Wouldn’t it be great if operating your business was as straightforward as providing the best product or service, and striving to exceed your customers’ expectations?

But it’s not. Canadian businesses of all sizes are faced with the overwhelming task of keeping up with legislation changes. And that’s not all: there are disputes with employees, tax investigations, health and safety concerns… the list goes on.
The cost of dealing with these issues (not to mention the time involved) add up fast. Combine that with the financial risk and uncertain outcome of pursuing or defending your legal rights, and it’s no wonder that many business owners decide against legal action.

That is, if they don’t have the confidence and security that comes with a DASbusiness Legal Expense Insurance Protection & Advice policy – one designed to protect businesses against the cost of potential business legal disputes.

This policy guarantees business owners access to legal guidance, representation and cost coverage. What’s more, policyholders can also simply pick up the phone to access the Legal Advice Helpline on any business-related legal matter (including tax advice) from 8am until midnight, seven days a week. It’s an emergency? We’ve got you covered; we’re here 24 hours a day if you need us.

Your policy includes:

  • Employment disputes
  • Legal defence
  • Statutory license protection
  • Property protection
  • Bodily injury
  • Tax protection
  • Court attendance expenses
  • Telephone legal advice

You can also add contract disputes and debt recovery coverage.

Claims Examples

  1. Employment Disputes
    • An employee is dismissed from work for being late and missing important meetings. As a result, she is fired. She commences a wrongful dismissal action alleging discrimination based on her sex and her hearing disability.
  2. Legal Defence
    • A shopkeeper performed a citizen’s arrest on a shoplifter and was charged criminally. The trial alone would have cost him in the region of $10,000 a day.
    • An employee has been sued for allegedly failing to comply with privacy legislation. There is no reasonable prospects requirement for the Legal Defence cover and therefore even if a policyholder is guilty, our lawyers can help to mitigate fine, sentence etc.
  3. Contract Disputes and debt recovery
    • The printing company a business employs has printed substandard product and is refusing to honour its quality commitment.
    • A customer is refusing to pay her invoices.
    • A client incorrectly alleges that a company did not provide all the services agreed upon and so has refused to pay his account.
  4. Statutory Licence Protection
    • A restaurant inspector has cited a restaurant for serving an underage customer and has suspended its operating license.
    • The City suspends a bakery’s licence because it failed a Health and Safety inspection.
  5. Property Protection
    • A neighbour is interfering with the operation of a business by repeatedly parking his vehicles on the property preventing customers from using the lot.
    • A sports club rents the second floor of a building. Noxious vapours from the cabinetmaker on the ground floor are turning members away and threatening the sports club’s livelihood.
  6. Bodily Injury
    • An employee is injured in the course of carrying out her employment duties and there is no workers’ compensation scheme.
    • A sales representative of a company injures himself at a client’s premises while doing a presentation.
  7. Tax Protection
    • A company has received a notice of tax audit.
    • CRA requires proof from a business of the GST they have paid in a past taxation year. Briefly, they want corroboration that the input credits are accurate.
    • The PST department would like to audit all the invoices of a company to confirm that the correct amount of PST was remitted back to the government.

Advice Examples

  • A company’s CFO wants to know if she is in a conflict of interest.
  • An office was robbed and confidential information was stolen. Does the company have to notify their clients?
  • A business wants to terminate an employee. How do they do this and what are his/her rights in the matter?
  • What is the relevance of a shareholder agreement?
  • What kind of license does a company need to operate its business?
  • Is it necessary to make provisional instalments for GST/PST/HST?
  • Should a company hire someone as an employee or on a contractual basis?
  • Can a landlord increase the rent without prior notice?

Sail Canada members receive preferred pricing on legal expense insurance when purchased through Gallagher.
To obtain a no obligation quote, please contact

Jeffrey R. Beaucaire
TF: 1.800.661.7211
T: 905.305.5937